Get 'Dem Datas
I love collecting data. It is a trait that was most likely instilled in me by Pokémon (go Red or go home) back in 1998. To that end, I love sports gadgets. I bought a Nike+ foot pod that had a special dongle to work with the iPod Nano that I had to buy to work with my new foot pod way back in 2007 or so. It's hard to imagine a time before cell phones were good enough to work as a run tracker and music player, but that's what I had. I remember getting annoyed about the distance never being right and not understanding why that was the case. I liked trying to convince myself that the mile markers on the trail I ran were incorrect. My running really fell off a cliff for a few years. It was some circular reasoning - I had some bad shin splints and as a result I didn't run, and for that (and many other reasons) I put on weight. Because I put on weight, every time I tried to run, I would re-aggravate the shin splints. Eventually I just s...