
Showing posts from September, 2017

Giant Acorn International Triathlon 2017

My wife had the great news to share with my several months ago that one of her good high school friends got engaged to be married and was going to have a bachelorette party.  The only problem was that it was an out of town party and it was on the same day as the Giant Acorn triathlon that I had done the past two years.  I told her it wouldn't be an issue since I had apparently forgotten to sign up, or at least I couldn't find my registration confirmation for the race, and now that she had plans, I just wouldn't sign up. On Wednesday I got an email from the event giving me the pre-race logistics.  "That's funny," I thought, "Did I actually sign up for this race?"  So I searched for myself on the event site and saw that I had a bib number assigned to me.  My first reaction was, "How can I get out of doing this race?"  I had just started a 10k training plan and had, as a matter of fact, done a my second hard workout of the week; an anti-t...