
Showing posts from September, 2016

Rainy Run

On Thursdays I go to my "downtown" office, which is about 25 miles away.  If I leave early enough, my commute can be as short as 35 minutes, which gives me plenty of time for a long run at work (either along the park trails nearby, or on the treadmill in the gym within the building). This past Thursday, I didn't get out of the house as early as I would have liked and my 35 minute commute morphed into an hour.  That could also be partly explained by the rain.  I typically roll right out of bed and get in my car, where I've already put my work bag and my change of clothes.  That day was essentially the same. When I got to work, I was disheartened to see that all four treadmills were being used.  I put my things away in the locker room and came back out, hoping that somebody had just finished.  They had not.  I then walked around aimlessly in the small gym for a minute or so, hoping that my presence would convince one of the runners that they didn't n...


I'm not really one for race recaps, but I'll give one a shot here. I woke up at 5am and ran downstairs to eat some breakfast and have some coffee.  My wife took care of The Girl in the middle of the night, letting me get as much sleep as possible.  I figured I would return the favor and let her get a few extra minutes of sleep that morning. We planned on leaving at 5:30, but didn't make it on the road until closer to 6.  Not bad considering we had a baby and a dog to contend with.  Also, my sister was coming along for the ride, so we had a pretty full car for the 100 minute drive. We got to Lake Anna a bit before 8, leaving plenty of time for my packet pickup and to set up my transition area.  I also heard the news that the lake temperature was such that it would be a wetsuit legal race.  I had packed my wetsuit, but since I had never actually swam in it, I was unsure if I would actually use it for the swim.  I figured I could make that decis...

Giant Acorn International

Just one short month after the South Riding Triathlon, I have my longest race of the year - the Giant Acorn International .  I ran this race for the first time last year and was pretty happy with how I did, especially considering that 1500 meter swim was my first open water swimming race. I'm not going into this race with any specific goals, other than improving on my times from last year.  However, while my running has picked up since the South Riding Triathlon, it's been at the expense of my biking.  I'm not exactly feeling confident in my biking, nor my swimming, for that matter. Last year when I ran this race, I used my wife's TomTom Runner, which isn't a triathlon watch, but is waterproof.  I was actually pretty impressed with the swim track that it made for me, all things considered.  I just left the watch going the whole time, and then manually split the resulting file into three distinct activities.  This year I'll get to use my Garmin 920XT,...