Well, That's Over With

On Saturday March 11, 2017, I woke up at 4:30am, 15 minutes before my alarm was set to go off. I already had my clothes for the Rock 'n Roll DC Marathon picked out and The Girl was spending the night at my in-laws' house and I knew exactly what I was going to eat for breakfast. My top priority at that point was getting some coffee in me as quickly as possible so that I could, uhm, clear any blockages that may have hindered me during the race. I didn't exactly leave myself much time as I was planning on departing at 5:30am. I made my coffee and ate my breakfast. I woke up The Wife and she ate her breakfast and before I knew it, we were in the car and on our way to downtown DC. The car ride was only about 35 minutes - amazing the difference in commute times at 5:30 on a weekend vs any other time, ever. I had my GPS taking us directly to the drop off and we got there without issue. The drop off was about a third of a mile from the start line,...