South Riding Tri

As I've intimated here multiple times, the South Riding Tri is my marquee race. I've run it every year since 2011 and since it's the exact same course, it's made it extremely easy to see my progress. This year my goal was to continue that trend, and my stretch goal was to drop my time from 1:04:21 to sub-60. This was my first triathlon since my daughter was born, and more importantly, my wife's first triathlon since giving birth. My mom spent the night with us on the eve of the race for The Girl duty. Unfortunately, since my wife is still nursing, there's not too much my mother could do. I swear that The Girl has some sort sense whereby she can tell that there is an important even that we would like to be well rested for the next day and will then have a terrible night sleep. The Girl required constant attention that night and had my wife up for the day a hair after four. On top of that, she did everything in her power to make sure that I got ...