2018 Marathon Training Cycle

Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here.  I hope my absence has not spurned you web-crawlers that are hopefully indexing this site and bringing it to a larger audience.  But, I've been busy!  Since the Jingle Dash 10k, I've started up my Hanson's Marathon Training Plan again.  This time I am doing the entire plan and I'm not subbing out rides and swims for easy runs.  I'm running all of those miles, shoes be damned.

In fact, the plan officially started on 12/6/2017, and since then I've run 92 times for a total of 724.78 miles.  The plan has me running six days a week, if you do the math it turns out that I've missed four prescribed runs and failed one run.  That's over 92 hours of running to prepare for one race that I have coming up in a week and a half.  It's not like I'm going to stop running for the next ten days leading up to my race, but today was my last "SoS" run (something of substance).  From here on out it's all tapering.

I can't say that this training cycle has been easy.  I joke that getting up at 4:30 a.m. for a run is just getting me ready for my second child (due in June), but in reality, this is the time I should be relishing (from a sleep perspective), since The Girl is sleeping so well.  But, I've made running a priority in my life and I want it to have as little of an impact on the rest of my life as possible.  I remember my training cycle last year and how hard that was on The Wife.  She was a trooper about it, but I don't want her to be in that position again, especially now that she's pregnant.

I'm proud of myself for sticking with this training plan.  I'm hopeful that my results this year will be better than last year.  I think this year I'm going to be smarter about pacing myself, and that I'll need to restrain myself even if I feel really good for the first five, ten, or 15 miles, after all - last year I felt amazing up until about mile 16 or so, and then it all came crashing down.  I don't want any crashes this year, just a nice consistently paced run.  Unfortunately, lowering my expectations also means that, by design, I won't hit a Boston Qualifying time, which was the driving force last year, but that can be something to look forward to a couple of years out.


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